Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Gone fishin!

Small striped bass
So every once in a while Luciano's work will get together and do an outing as a thank you for their continued dedication and good work.  This year they took the guys on a fishing trip.

He had to wake up at 3:00am to meet up with the guys and drive down to the bay area (did not envy him, nor did I get anymore sleep after he left, dammit). 

Leopard Shark
Once on the boat Luciano caught the first fish of the day, the striped bass.

After sitting at work for a while I receive a text showing me yet another fish that he has caught which was the leopard shark.  I was very impressed with this catch.

We had taken the kids fishing a few weeks back and he was excited to catch a little feeder fish so I know the leopard shark was a big deal!  Another couple hours had passed and I receive another text showing me yet another shark that he caught.  He was having a great fishing day!!  At the end of the trip he had caught the three fish pictured here which accounted for almost half of the fish the guys caught that day in total.  Just another thing to add to the long list of things my husband is competitive at, LOL.

This past weekend we had some friends over for dinner, and the husband had cut up the shark and did a fish fry.  Me being one of the pickiest people alive was extremely hesitant on trying the shark nuggets.  I did it and I have to say they were pretty amazing!  Shark nuggets...ooo ha ha!
7 Gill

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