Thursday, September 19, 2013

And so our newest journey begins!

So after years and years of trying to fight it, my biological finally ticked so hard and loud that there was no way for me to ignore it any longer.  In July 2013, we found out that we are expecting baby #3.

To be 100% honest, I had every intention on making an appointment to get back on birth control pills that month.  I take a little bit of time off to ensure that I don't have adverse reactions (ie. cancer and other issues that come along with being on birth control for too long).  So I had contacted my doctor to make an appointment to come in.  They began asking all the normal information and then they asked me, "When was your last menstrual cycle"?  Umm...yeah...that kind of made me start to think, I had no idea.  I did the math and determined I was late.  I have so much going on all the time that I didn't even flinch missing my period.  I told the hubby that I thought that I might be pregnant.  He laughed and told me I always think I'm pregnant.  I told him that this time I was actually late and it wasn't just stress.  He had me get two tests that night and low and behold, they were positive.

We decided to tell the kids right away.  They were in shock.  They asked if we were serious.  We assured them that that is what the tests said.  I immediately made an appointment to see my doctor. 

First appointment they did the internal ultrasound and determined that we were in fact expecting!!!  We were already able to hear the heartbeat and get some pictures to show the kids.  The only downside to the appointment was the fact that the doctor made it known to me that I was at an "ADVANCED MATERNAL AGE"!  WTH?  I was not too happy with that information.

I have since had two more appointments and ultrasounds both times so more pictures!!

The kids are going nuts wanting to go in so they can see and hear the baby too.  That appointment is scheduled for October 23rd.  We have decided to not find out the sex of the baby.  Instead we have decided to do the new craze of a reveal shower.  When we go in for the ultrasound on the 23rd, we are going to have the doctor take pictures that show the sex of the baby and label it with the sex.  We are going to have them place it in a sealed envelope we will hold onto it until closer to the shower.  Once the shower comes we plan on giving the sealed envelope to the baker who will be making our cake for the shower.  We are going to ask that he/she make the inside of the cake either pink or blue depending on the sex of the baby.  So when we cut the cake everyone will be there to find out together! ; )  So excited about that!

Well I will try to keep writing consistently to keep everyone updated on the progress!  March we come!

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